Adding icon attribute on group widgets

I am wondering if adding icon support in group widgets can help in some way in UI / UX.

Anyway, I made the changes to the web client and the desktop client. I’m going to upload them to receive feedback here.

Implementation: Issue 9581: Add support of icon attribute on group widget - Tryton issue tracker

I’m not really sure that adding more icons improve the user experience. Most of the time, this overload the screen with too much information.

Any way, could you share example on how it will be rendered?

That is a sample with icon at timestamp group on sequence form.
I upload 4 images of before an after on both tryton and sao.

In the web, it seems like the icon is not centered vertically with the text.

I would add that maybe there should be a small horizontal space between the icon and the text.

The examples look pretty good.

I think it would make sense to add it to separators too.

Seems to be aligned

I think I can try also on separators on other review :slight_smile:

I have an issue with expandable groups on sao, because icon and panel heading element have the same color, and for that reason icons seems to be missing.

On tryton works fine

I think it makes sense to implement it in the same review.

You may need to add a CSS rule that invert the color of the icon like we already have for btn-primary.

Ok, I will look how is implemented on btn-primary, and I will try to apply the same approach

I agree. Maybe there are cases but the screenshots here don’t convince me because the wording already says it all. For better UX, some field descriptions can be cleaned up and shortened. You have a group “Timestamp”, so “Timestamp Rounding” could be reduced to “Rounding” because it’s in the “Timestamp” group and therefore it’s about timestamps.
Also keep in mind for better UI/UX there should always be an icon or never. You cannot have two groups below each other or side by side and one has an icon and one not.
If this is going to make it into production please add an option to switch it off or on.

by the way, in the gtk client i can’t see any visual indication, that this is a group of widgets. Why not using

In fact GtkFrame is used, with zero as border width.
But I think that topic should be reviewed with in another thread.