Account_es balance sheet

Spanish authority requires that some accounts must be taken into account in more than one account type in the balance sheet.

Two examples:

  • 551 account must be included in “Activo corriente - V. Inversiones financieras a corto plazo” but it’s only included in “Pasivo corriente - III Deudas a corto plazo - 3. Otras deudas a corto plazo”.

  • 5523 account must be included in “Activo corriente - IV. Inversiones en empresas del grupo y asociadas a corto plazo” but it’s only included in “Pasivo Corriente - IV. Deudas con empresas del grupo y asociadas a corto plazo”.

What’s wrong here?

Is it due to the fact that an account only can have one account type related limit?

In this case, Is really valid (legal) this balance sheet in Spain? How?

I doubt that is true. Having the same account multiple times in balance sheet would unbalance the balance sheet by definition.
But what happens is that an account may need to be changed of report depending on its balance sign. That why there is Issue 6601: Account type per balance sign - Tryton issue tracker

You’re right. That seems to be the problem.

And this should solve it.

Thank you.

PS → This solves my question but not the underlying problem. Should post be marked as solution in this case?

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