Version 4.9 : '405 Method not allowed' when accessing to the root of the site


When I try to access the root of the site under Tryton 4.9 I have the following message:

405 Method not allowed

but when I access the page ‘/index.html’ all work correctly.

  • Python V.3.4.2
  • Tryton is installed from sources on a Debian Jessie
  • The Python libraries are installed from the debian packages except for those that are not in the right version or do not exist so I installed them with pip3: python3-stdnum relatorio stripe febelfin-coda simpleeval python-sql cached_property zeep csb43 passlib vatnumber
  • Nodejs V8.12.0

An idea ?


On which folder do you have sao installed and which value are you using on the root value of the www section of your configuration file?

Hi Sergi,

I do not have a ‘www’ section, but in my ‘web’ section the root value is the path to the sao directory

Yes, this is the correct section sorry. Does this path end with the path separator? I found this fixed some issues some times.

Same thing with or without the end separator

Are you sure the [web] root is pointing in the right folder? Are you sure the trytond process can read sao content?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Tryton configuration file for sao