Using C extensions to speed up Tryton

Indeed instead of using timeit, pyperf should be used.

In fact pyperf is just a wrapper around timeit to provide some statistics. But it provides the nice pyperf system tune command that can be used to set IRQ affinity and so on (I should reboot in order to isolate a CPU afterwards to test that as well).

To be honest, the results here are consistent with those I had yesterday (I ran those in the console without running anything else not even the cronjobs). But as I did not have them in a file, I just ran the test again and checked that they where consistents.

Now that I have use pyperf system tune here are the results:

  • C implementation: 2.10175000000163
  • Pure python implementation: 1.5666235190001316

And indeed the timing of the calls in the profiler are more alike.

I know it seems strange, as I said one of the reason for the difference is to search in the way I implemented the accelerator maybe:

    from ._field import Field as CField
except ImportError:
    class CField(object):
        def __get__(self, inst, cls):
            if inst is None:
                return self
            assert is not None
            if == 'id':
                return inst._id
            return inst.__getattr__(

And then Field inherits from CField (that way we can fallback on a pure Python implementation if the accelerator is not present). Maybe that this additional level of indirection is what slowly builds up to this difference.

Did you try running the benchmark with the pypy jit?

You could try leaving __get__ implementation in “class Field” as:

def __get__(self, inst, cls):
    if inst is None:
        return self
    return ins.__getattr__(

and add a new class FieldId with its own __get__ implementation:

def __get__(self, inst, cls):
    if inst is None:
        return self
    return inst._id

Also, I would compare how much it takes running the script with just a 1000 moves (that is, without going beyond the cache boundary).

This is important in order to understand what is the performance of the methods involved in just the plain access to fields once they’re in memory and what is the performance when data must be loaded.

In the latter case, you may simply increase record cache size to say 10000 and see its impact on the performance.

I also suggest you take a deep look at this:

You’re just looping over 200.000 records but you get 1.47M records instantiated (7 times the number of records you need) which is basically the same I already reported.

You can improve that situation a lot by:

  • Lazy loading create_uid/write_uid
  • Lazy loading all M2o fields

I would also do some checks with:

  • Lazy loading write_date, create_date
  • Lazy loading all the fields that you’re not using in the loop

Mabye you can make a quick comparison with this C implementation of LRU Dict:

That said, it seems that we spend a lot of time in _check_size_limit. Probably because once the cache is filled-in with each new record the oldest one must be removed. Maybe it would be better if the cache was more “flexible”. So instead of having a hard limit (which is 1000 by default) there was a soft and hard limit. So, once the hard limit is reached “hard - soft” records are removed from the cache at once. Say hard = 1500 records, and soft = 1000. Then, once we reach 1500 records, the 500 least recently used are removed at once.

This idea supposes that it’s faster to remove 500 records at once rather than one by one, but I’m not sure that is true. Just an idea for a possible improvement.

Another possibility would be to make record_cache_size dynamic. So, by default it is 100, but once the first 100 records have been loaded, for that record list, then it becomes 1000, and after we’ve read those 1000 records, then it is increased to 10000. So, the larger the number of records we read, the larger the number of records we read at once (with upper limits of course).

I doubt there will be any improvement against an optimized version of LRUDict.
By optimized I mean that it should be possible now to make an implementation using only dict and not OrderedDict which adds a doubly linked list.

There is no method to remove more than one record at once.

And so there is no limit and all memory is used for cache.

There’d be a limit as I already stated. You could set that limit to 10000 or whatever is defined. The speed at which the cache_size increases could also be defined.

The problem with the current implementation is that say that you have a loop like this:

for invoice in invoices:
    if invoice.lines:

if invoices have a large number of lines, they will all be loaded even if it’s never necessary. So if cache_size is set to a large number because you need to process 200 thousand invoices (just in Nicolas example) you’re loading lots of lines even if you only need a large cache size for invoices (not for the lines).

So if preloading starts with 10 records, later jumps to 100, later 1000, and eventually 10000 (and stay at 10000 records from there on if 10000 has been set as the upper limit), we will only be using a lot of cache memory for those models and lists that really use it.

Seeing the results of lru-cache I think that is the way to go but another approach may be to clear the whole cache when read() is going to completely fill it

Something in the lines:

if len(result) >= cache.size_limit:

This should prevent the removal of item by item which is probably going to be slow. Would only apply if records are not already in the cache, so some extra logic would be required.

That’s always the risk of pre-loading data. But it can always be tune by the developer.

This is not how the code works. We do not fill the cache but we read per IN_MAX.

lru-cache can not be used because it is missing default_factory.

Sorry but it makes no sense to me. It is not the job of the caller to worry about the internal of the container.
Also normally we always read less than the size of the cache. So your case will never happen.

It could be a way to implement LRUDict that when reaching the limit, it clear itself (of course before adding the new value).
But clearing a dict is still O(n) (as it has to loop over all keys) but deleting a key is average O(1) (worst O(n)). So in the best case it has the same complexity and the worst it is twice faster. But this is without counting the benefit that former cache value may be reused for example when there are duplicate ids in a list or if records has the same target etc.

When I said that it’s where I think we could see improvements it’s indeed the kind of idea I had in mind but it was just an idea.

In case we implement our own cache nothing prevent us from creating one (apart the fact that it’s an added source of bug and so on obviously).

But I agree wholeheartedly with the idea of first testing with the new constraint on the order of the keys that brings python 3.7 (although I like the fact that OrderedDict conveys the semantic way better and that I find this constraint a bit strange but this is more a philosophical objection :smiley:).

Hello back @rmu, no I didn’t try using pypi because the goal is the find a better implementation for Tryton not to test if another interpreter would be better :slight_smile:. But you’re probably right I guess that the JIT would bring some improvements in this area without any dev …

using some sort of load cache before fetching the table values?
like this:

        suma = Decimal(0)
        for move in move_lines:
            res = move.debit -
def select_cache(self, list_names, table):
            cur = Transaction().connection.cursor()
            field_str = ",".join(list_names)
            cur.execute("SELECT "+ field_str+"  FROM "+table+" where id="+str(" ;")
            result = cur.fetchone()            
            if result:
                ix = 0
                for name in list_names:
                    if self._local_cache.get(,-1)==-1:
                        self._local_cache[] = {}
                    self._local_cache[][name] = result[ix]                    

using cprofile:

suma = sum(l.debit - for l in move_lines)  # noqa

27421 function calls (25756 primitive calls) in 1.575 seconds

        suma = Decimal(0)
        for move in move_lines:
            res = move.debit -

27421 function calls (25756 primitive calls) in 0.632 seconds

Maybe this is useful when there are many records and we want to maintain some pythonic style

What are the condition of such test?
Because I doubt that making a SQL query at each iteration would be faster than the current preload of cache per bunch.
Is the list of move_lines has the cache correctly align?
How much records are there?

The previous test was in an old version of tryton.
Now I have another test for version 6.4
account_move_line table has 1609 rows
sum = sum(l.debit - for l in move_lines) # noqa
I obtained(adjusting cprofile):

892669 function calls (796329 primitive calls) in 0.466 seconds

 Ordered by: cumulative time

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 76683/3238    0.016    0.000    0.385    0.000
 6449/3231    0.063    0.000    0.383    0.000

although sometimes the time was considerably reduced to this:

    104045 function calls (87219 primitive calls) in 0.122 seconds

    Ordered by: cumulative time

    ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
       2/1 0.001 0.000 0.093 0.093
         5 0.000 0.000 0.059 0.012

using select before

105657 function calls (95267 primitive calls) in 0.273 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     1614    0.002    0.000    0.183    0.000
     1614    0.178    0.000    0.181    0.000 {function LoggingCursor.execute at 0x7f2870ff6a60}
     1609    0.013    0.000    0.150    0.000

I do not understand what I’m reading.

ok. what I understand happens in:

sum = sum(l.debit - for l in move_lines) # noqa

is that when doing l.debit, somewhere in the code it is a select debit from table
and when doing, it is another select credit from table
there are two select.
but if the select is reduced, it will logically be more efficient when you want to traverse a table. That’s why we use classmethod function fields with pysql. but sometimes it is more comfortable (practical) to use the orm, like l.debit - which will not cause problems with few rows.
here I simply wanted to speed up the example:
sum = sum(l.debit - for l in move_lines) # noqa
but I don’t know if it would be good to add an annotation to modelsql before going through large data.

The cprofile code I used was this.
I used it temporarily in the invoices module, and from the client I went to invoices, I clicked on the search button

    def read(cls, ids, fields_names):
        result = super(Invoice, cls).read(ids, fields_names)
        pr = cProfile.Profile()

        MoveLine = Pool().get('account.move.line')  # noqa
        move_lines =[])
        #suma = sum(l.debit - for l in move_lines)  # noqa
        suma = Decimal(0)
        for move in move_lines:
            res = move.debit -
        out_stream = open('estadis.txt', 'w')
        ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=out_stream)
        return result

This is not what happens.

On the first access to debit, we read all the eager fields (which is to put it simply the local fields to the model) for a whole batch of records. Which means that this sum does 2 SQL queries when looping over 1609 rows (IIRC the batch size is 1000 records).

I don’t know what move.select_cache does but presumably one SQL query per move.

So it’s very surprising that using it is 2x faster than the sum call. It might be an error in the measuring process but if it isn’t then we would be very eager to understand what does select_cache do :smiley: .

I added this in ModelStorage

def select_cache(self, list_names, table):
            cur = Transaction().connection.cursor()
            field_str = ",".join(list_names)
            cur.execute("SELECT "+ field_str+"  FROM "+table+" where id="+str(" ;")
            result = cur.fetchone()            
            if result:
                ix = 0
                for name in list_names:
                    if self._local_cache.get(,-1)==-1:
                        self._local_cache[] = {}
                    self._local_cache[][name] = result[ix]                    

It’s a bit simple, just like a test