Upgrading a neso 3.8 deployment

Hi ama,
I am in a similar situation as you. I started to get Tryton running for my startup about a month ago. In contrast to your experience I made good progress. However, I am using a linux environment and the install script from here Tryton Community / tools / Tryton installation and maintainance scripts for pip venv · GitLab
as well as the TrytonDACH book you find here https://www.tryton-dach.org/
have helped me a lot. This is all in German. However, the install script is in English. If you are not familiar with Docker, I’d suggest to try using a Python virtual environment setup. You could adjust the script to Windows requirements or, which could be a good decision too, use a Ubuntu Server. Installing a running system for testing on a Ubuntu server using the install script from above is a matter of 20minutes. After you are familiar with the system follow https://discuss.tryton.org/t/deploying-tryton-with-a-python-virtual-environment to deploy a production system.
Another very helpful post was Install Tryton in a Python virtual environment on Ubuntu
Both posts are from edbo.