In that same way we implemented hard weight uom as information measure for customer/supplier in invoice, sale and purchase [1].
Note that standard UOM’s invoice line is increased automatically along its category in order to preserve amount precision (weight amount == uom amount).
I started to work on this topic: Issue 8238: Allow conversion between UoM of different categories - Tryton issue tracker
But now, I’m wondering how to name modules and how much modules to create. The main issue is that the second UoM is mainly needed on sale and purchase but both will create stock moves and invoices to which a second UoM will be filled. But on the last documents, the same field could be used by sale and purchase.
So if I create two modules sale_second_uom and purchase_second_uom, I will need to create at least one or two modules account_invoice_second_uom and stock_second_uom. But those modules will be useful only if at least one of the first module is activated.
Another option is to create a single module product_second_uom which will depend on stock on account_invoice and extra_depends on purchase and sale to add the second uom conditionally.
I think this is the cleaner solution as it will avoid the need to create additional dependencies which will only be useful if one of the first is activated.
Do you think it’s possible to make the product_second_uom module depend only on product and add account_invoice and stock dependency as extra depends?
That’s the reason why we created a separate module. However, maybe it could be a single module and make it configurable. After all, invoices will need those fields anyway.
But does it really hurt to have the second UoM fileds on purchase but only use when needed?
For me it’s not a big problem to have the fields available but do not use.
Indeed we have the same issue for companies selling services only, that they have the stock module activated but they do not use.
For me it’s important to reduce the number of modules so we keep the system simple and reduce the maintenance costs.
I think having a single module will increase the complexity because you will need to have a test to detect if purchase or sale in activated.
Also I think it will be good to be able to choose to display secondary unit on stock or not (idem from invoice).
So for me, the 4 modules could not depend on each others.
I created Issue 8239: Add secondary unit - Tryton issue tracker with for now sale_secondary_unit and account_invoice_secondary_unit.
As you can see they are not depending on each other which provides a good flexibility of configuration. So for me, it is the right grain of modularity.