Tryton in Romania

Status for Tryton in Romania:
My accountant is helping 3 days a week with accounting in Tryton.
I have another accountant interested and occasionally helping.
The ASE accounting university say they could be interested in an open source alternative. They currently teach SAP. I can also send them a request for help.

The cart of accounts is in a account_ro custom module. I have configured a few stock accounts, revenue, expense, 401 code for supplier and 4111 account for customer.

The Romanian chart is quite similar to the French one.

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It will be great to have as part of the standard Tryton modules. For that you need to submit an issue with the code and I will be happy to test/review.

I guess you also have setup the taxes and its taxs codes.

I guess one diference is the language :wink:

I am nowhere near ready to submit a codereview.
Accounts template is ready, but types are not complete/associated.

~580 accounts for Romania, ~1200 accounts for France. There are differences, but at least I can usually take a look at the similar French chart code in order to figure out the flags/statement/type for the Romanian chart.

Thanks. I’ve already subscribed to the issue. It will be great if you can share some links about the oficial documentation which is used as base for creating the accounts. This links will be very usefull to find the missing types. In tryton any account that should be used from account moves shold have a type to ensure proper reporting.