This points have very few to do with the coding style.
The key points are: good naming and proper design. And they are not and cannot be managed by tools.
Well that depends on everyone editors.
As I’m doing most of the reviewing, I have very little comment about format. And most of the time reviewbot has already commented.
Indeed I find that the formatting comes automatically out of a well though design. And usually bad code has bad design (even if it was linted or whatever).
We have already flake8 run by reviewbot. I do not think we must change but improve it.
I do not see how if they have to setup more tools in order to start.
Indeed it is more about backport of fixes. But it would be a major problem.
I already though about that but I could not find a way to deal with dynamic class generation Tryton has.
Maybe with a hook that create stub files automatically out of all the modules.
But anyway, this is off topic about code style.