Permissions on a limited set of fields in a model

I would like to allow some users to create products but i don’t want to give them rights on all the fields of the product model. (for example, they could create product name, code, uom, but they should not have access to account fields, customs fields, cost price method, …) So allowing write permission to a specific set of fields and all other fields stay read-only.
Is the “ir.model.field.access” bypassing the “ir.model.access” (field access priority on model access)? So i give only read permission on my group “limited_product_fields_admin” and then i define a write permission to this group for each field they are allow to update ?
If this is possible ? Is there an easy/another way to do this ? (another model heriting from product with other permissions and a specific form to create product ?)
Thanks for help and suggestions!

No, you must have both kind validated to have access.

No, you have to remove write permission to the fields by default and give it to a specific group.

This could be a solution if you have too much fields to manage.
But you should be careful with required fields because they need a default value.

A post was split to a new topic: Permisos para botones