I was trying to run the update on SAO interface( because I can’t see any modules on there), which didn’t work. Could this error cause that the modules are not shown on the Sao interface? And how can I get report the issue to them? Do you know any website? Thanks a lot!
Maybe, you should check with the desktop client. But also check the browser javascript console. And finally the table ir_module
if it is really empty.
On their website: GNU Health - Summary [Savannah]
1.There are python problems on desktop client, which even fails on running. I still wanna make the Sao interface work, because it got me the furthest so far. The ir_module is not empty, but only two of them are activated. Any ideas how I can activate others?
- Another thing I noticed is that in the log file there are a lot of sql statements ending up with “limit 0”, which makes it return 0 result. Is this designed to implement in this way? if not, where can I fix the sql script?
gnuhealth@tryton:[29899]:LOG: statement: SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."name" AS "name", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."state" AS "state", CAST(EXTRACT('EPOCH' FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_module" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."name" != 'tests')) ORDER BY "a"."name" ASC, "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 0
- Is it possible that the Jquery or java script causing the problem?
In the admin menu under modules.
This is very weird. Did you change anything in the source code? There is Sao.config.limit
but it is set to 1000 by default.
I couldn’t update them on the Sao interface, because none of the module are shown there.
No I didn’t. Where is the Sao.config.limit file located? I couldn’t find it.
Hi. Could you tell me where the file is ?
@ced speak about src/sao.js
file that contains a line defining Sao.config.limit = 1000;
Thanks. Just checked the Sao.js file and it’s set to 1000, so that’s correct.
At the same time I checked the python file
There is a read function at line 620 that creates the SELECT statement to read data from the database. Line 662 has a variable called history_limit, which is set to None. The value is not reset. So when you get to line 702 where the SELECT statement is being created dynamically, you will see it sets limit=history_limit.