Migration from 3.8 to 4.0


  • [SQL]: Drop column category from product.template after update:

    ALTER TABLE product_template DROP COLUMN category

  • [SQL]: Change tax sign for credit note (must be run before update):

    UPDATE account_tax_template SET credit_note_base_sign = credit_note_base_sign * -1, credit_note_tax_sign = credit_note_tax_sign * -1;
    UPDATE account_tax SET credit_note_base_sign = credit_note_base_sign * -1, credit_note_tax_sign = credit_note_tax_sign * -1;

  • [PY]: Follow PEP-0249 for Transaction and backends. For example: modules/account: 30c0c8d92ea7

  • [SQL]: May need to drop the foreign key constraint project_work_work_fkey before update:

    ALTER TABLE project_work DROP CONSTRAINT project_work_work_fkey;

:arrow_forward: Migration from 4.0 to 4.2

Why drop column category ?

It is because it is changed into a list of categories but we can not drop it in module code because other modules may need it for migration see: Issue 5320: More categories for product - Tryton issue tracker

A post was split to a new topic: Migrate from 3.8 to 6.0