Logotipo en los informes

Buen día, espero se encuentren bien,

Quisiera saber, ¿Cómo puedo agregar el logotipo de la empresa a los informes en Tryton?

Quedo atenta,

Lindo día.

This can only be done by customizing the report templates. If you have only one company you can just add the image to the template. But if you have multiple companies you will need to customize the company model to store the image and use it in the template.

Buen día, Sr. Cédric, muchas gracias por su aporte,
¿Cómo puedo personalizar las plantillas? he intentado hacerlo por medio del Modulo “Empresa”

Sin embargo, al descargar una plantilla de Factura, no se logra ver el Logotipo:

Agradecería de su ayuda

I guess you activated a custom module that add a logo field to the company.
To display it on a report, you must use a frame like described in Indepth Example — relatorio 0.10.1 documentation.

Step to set a logo in report.

  1. Insert a image in header.
  2. right clic on the logo.
    3.- select Anchor → As Character
  3. Adjust the logo.

attached a screenshot

This steps you posted are only valid in the case mentioned by @ced

If you have only one company you can just add the image to the template.

In the case that @Cristina0319 shows us on screen is what @ced explained

But if you have multiple companies you will need to customize the company model to store the image and use it in the template.

You must use the relatorio provided guide. Creating a frame and name it image: expression.

thanks for clarifying the use case