I can't read the image from pdf (photos not shown on pdf)

It’s a bit hard to get an idea how your report looks like, but your report has something like for record in records at the top right? So you can loop over the records. I assume that the photo field is in a record.
So change the <your_record.photo> to record.photo so it will look like:

image: (record.photo, "image/png") 
Again, I assume that the the field is in the record. If you also printing the dates with `record.from_date` and `record.to_date` then you should use `record.photo`. If you use e.g. `rec.from_date` , then you should use `rec.photo`

If it still doesn’t work, try

image: record.photo 

If this all doesn’t work, let me know I can dig a bit deeper into this.
The last one should work. I use the same code in one of my reports