How to manage invoice grouping

I’m real curious about this case in hand, more details please? Invoice by publishing house?

I believe we’ve only seen to date omissions or some quantity discrepancies between the delivery note and the invoice… which tryton seems to nicely track (that is if the invoiced quantities are different than received).

If it were possible to import the lines by delivery note into the invoice then, yes, that would be useful
(as long as an invoice does not exist already!).

But unfortunately, for that to work well we still need to have the eco-contributions and indirect taxes working sufficiently ( to avoid some problems that are currently solved with the work flow currently in place.

I should insist that with invoices of only a couple of lines there is no real user problem, but with many pages of invoice lines (at times over 200 lines) it can be, and is, a nightmare if things aren’t organised to simplify the process.

Too, the majority of our suppliers issue an invoice per delivery note…

It seems with the xxx_invoice_line_standalone the invoice lines don’t seem to be available from the financial invoices menus.

Also, there must be a means to replace in an usable manner the draft invoices/amounts waiting for the real invoice to be validated using the lines…

Currently I seem only able to find them under each individual purchase!
Wading through 99+ purchases processing is not a small task.

So I have to admit that I’m a bit skeptical about the benefits… not arguing at all that it should be possible (it should).
