Fixed day payment terms

Guess a bug report is in order as this breaks the prior 30day clause
For example, if the invoice date is 31/03 then 30d the 10th will return 10/04 (10 days ) instead of 10/05

Another simple user case that does not work as a user would expect:

A Payment Term defined to be reached Day of Month 5.

From day 1 to 5 of the same month the result is the result expected:

Invoice date: 2020-07-01 -> Due: 2020-07-05

For the rest of the month the result is not the result expected (overdue date):

Invoice date: 2020-07-06 -> Due: 2020-07-05

User would expect in this case:

Invoice date: 2020-07-06 -> Due: 2020-08-05

This is doable:

  • -5 days (or -6)
  • +1 months
  • 5 day
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It works!!! And the most important thing: I understand why.

Thank you @ced

Only one thing: Why do we need -6 days? Using only -5 days works even for leap years.

And if you will like to apply a delta to the days, you can do it by including it on the +1 months. So for example if you want to apply to pay on 30D + day 5 you should do:

  • -5 days
  • +1 month + 30 D
  • 5 day

So we the missing feature is specifing multiple payment days on the same month.

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It depends if you want the invoice posted on 5th to be due the same day or the next month.

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Got it!

It’s already perfectly clear for me.

Thank you.