Error variables.less with installation

" Just download the latest tarball from gnuhealth and then run sh…"

Please give me the url /link to download it from.

Many thanks Dario

This was a sao installation problem, not a GNU Health problem. This nodeJS stuff can be a bit tricky. It is described in the documentation in /usr/share/doc/packages/trytond/tryton-server.README.SUSE in section

Installation of the Webfrontend for tryton (sao) from source

I guess here something went wrong. openSUSE keeps the repository from which a package was originally installed. If there was no GNUHealth installed before adding the above repository, it takes the highest version.
In your case it probably did not upgrade to GNU Health 3.6.x.
zypper dup --from gh36
to fix this.
(Hint - In case you want to switch packages between repositories, add --allow-vendor-change to the zypper command. There is a switch in the YaST package management as well, if you want this GUI-driven)

As written before, combining system packages with a pip installation is a perfect way to mess up a system. And this has nothing to do with the issue installing sao.

So…you could run a surgery approach and remove the pip’ed installation. Or, if it is a test installation, bin it and install from - it comes with the GNU Health 3.6.x packages. It is RC2, but runs fine in my tests so far.

If you setup the database with an older version of trytond, you must follow all the migration steps between the two series: Migration - Tryton Discussion
If you have no data in the database, the simplest way is to drop the database, create a new empty one.

No, I did not setup with/keep old database. I dropped database and db role/user at every new attempt,so this database is from this new attempt. This attempt is gnuhealth 3.6.4 & trytond 5.0.23 combination. What should I do?

I followed the steps of wiki and worked, then I installed sao using tryton guide from GitHub .

I do not think it is the case because ir_lang is created with the parent column by the series 5.0. So the database was not initialized with the trytond-admin of the series 5.0 but an older one.
Maybe you have older version installed somewhere that is picked instead of 5.0.

Ok. I search through for any remnants of trytond less than series 5. Reinstall gnuhealth 3.6.4 & trytond 5.0.23. Got through database initialisation.
I upgraded npm. Then reinstall sao. Tried running “bower install” from inside sao directory, command was not recongnized. grunt still complaining ‘variables.less’ wasn’t found. Used --force with grunt. Restart gnuhealth. Got exactly the same result as the first time with gnuhealth 3.4.1 and trytond 4.6 (i.e. access to website but only the non responsive hamburger menu loaded)

I see that only 61 tables were created in the database (compared to almost 370 tables in ghdemo36) Could this be cause of problem?

And why is grunt still complaining about ‘variables.less’ if gnuhealth 3.6.4 & trytond 5.0.23 are good a combination?

Thanks a lot Ced.

Ok great, I could give it a short but did you install on Opensuse? or would the wiki work for Opensuse regardless? Thanks Dario.

Bower should be found in node_modules/.bin/bower. Normally launching with npx bower install should work on recent nodejs.

Because you did not install the bower dependencies.

Ok. Thanks. So I tried npx bower install --allow-root. That got bower installed. Rerun grunt, grunt found variables.less and the rest is history!

Ced, can’t thank you enough for all your work on Tryton and the support you are giving. THANK YOU!

Got it working!
Ced advised me on using npx bower install --allow-root to install bower and grunt stopped complaining about variable.less.

Dario, I appreciate your help with this. Thank you very much!

It’s working now. grunt and bower have been the culprit all along. (see marked Ced’s solution) Many thanks coogor!

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