Configuration / error 405

I am not clear enough:

I updated the web path
as you pointed out to me:
root = /home/pumontjm/Workspace/hg-trytond-5.6/sao

but as I told you the problem persists

Please show the logging information. What tells you it is the same problem? How can we know?

first observation:

Fri Sep 25 09:47:02 2020] INFO:server:using ../../trytond-logconf.conf as logging configuration file
Fri Sep 25 09:47:02 2020] INFO:werkzeug: * Running on http://localhost:8000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Fri Sep 25 09:47:02 2020] INFO:werkzeug: * Restarting with stat
Fri Sep 25 09:47:02 2020] INFO:server:using ../../trytond-logconf.conf as logging configuration file
Fri Sep 25 09:48:02 2020] INFO:werkzeug: - - [25/Sep/2020 09:48:02] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 405 -
Fri Sep 25 09:48:03 2020] INFO:werkzeug: - - [25/Sep/2020 09:48:03] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 405 -

second observation:

npm WARN grunt-po2json@0.3.0 requires a peer of grunt@~0.4.1 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN grunt-xgettext@0.3.5 requires a peer of grunt@~0.4.5 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

    up to date in 2.361s

    9 packages are looking for funding
      run `npm fund` for details

    fixed 0 of 44 vulnerabilities in 616 scanned packages
      44 vulnerabilities required manual review and could not be updated

I also find this strange:

* Detected change in '/home/pumontjm/Asperience_Workspace/trytond-5.6.conf', reloading

That’s another directory than you are saying:


don’t worry about the path it’s good.

And thank you for your patience. I learn all at the same time work method and tool.

Can you check the following:

  • did you create a special database user to be used by Tryton?
  • did you create an empty database?
  • can you manually connect to the database with the user and password:
    psql -U <your created user> -d <your database name>
  • did you initialized the empty database?
    trytond-admin -c trytond-5.6.conf -d <your database name> --all -vv
    and did this run without errors?
  • were you able to run the Tryton-server and connect to it with the desktop-client?

If you have done all those things, you then can look into getting sao working.

I suspect two possibilities:

  • the [web] root directory is not accessible to the user running trytond
  • the directory is missing the index.html file

This has nothing to do with the database. It is the SharedDataMiddleware that does not deliver the static content.

You regularly talk about the trytond user.
But I dont understand. Is this a postgresql user?

If so the user is called ‘tryton’.

Can it help you:

   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
 tryton    | Create DB                                                  | {}


                  List of databases
   Name        |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges   
 asperience_tryton | tryton   | UTF8     | fr_FR.UTF-8 | fr_FR.UTF-8 | 

with user tryton =>

 public | ir_action                    | table | tryton
 public | ir_action-res_group          | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_act_window         | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_act_window_domain  | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_act_window_view    | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_keyword            | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_report             | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_url                | table | tryton
 public | ir_action_wizard             | table | tryton
 public | ir_attachment                | table | tryton
 public | ir_cache                     | table | tryton
 public | ir_calendar_day              | table | tryton
 public | ir_calendar_month            | table | tryton
 public | ir_configuration             | table | tryton
 public | ir_cron                      | table | tryton
 public | ir_export                    | table | tryton
 public | ir_export-res_group          | table | tryton
 public | ir_export-write-res_group    | table | tryton
 public | ir_export_line               | table | tryton
 public | ir_lang                      | table | tryton
 public | ir_message                   | table | tryton
 public | ir_model                     | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_access              | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_button              | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_button-button_reset | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_button-res_group    | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_button_click        | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_button_rule         | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_data                | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_field               | table | tryton
 public | ir_model_field_access        | table | tryton
 public | ir_module                    | table | tryton
 public | ir_module_config_wizard_item | table | tryton
 public | ir_module_dependency         | table | tryton
 public | ir_note                      | table | tryton
 public | ir_note_read                 | table | tryton
 public | ir_queue                     | table | tryton
 public | ir_rule                      | table | tryton
 public | ir_rule_group                | table | tryton
 public | ir_rule_group-res_group      | table | tryton
 public | ir_sequence                  | table | tryton
 public | ir_sequence_strict           | table | tryton
 public | ir_sequence_type             | table | tryton
 public | ir_sequence_type-res_group   | table | tryton
 public | ir_session                   | table | tryton
 public | ir_session_wizard            | table | tryton
 public | ir_translation               | table | tryton
 public | ir_trigger                   | table | tryton
 public | ir_trigger__history          | table | tryton
 public | ir_trigger_log               | table | tryton
 public | ir_ui_icon                   | table | tryton
 public | ir_ui_menu                   | table | tryton
 public | ir_ui_menu-res_group         | table | tryton
 public | ir_ui_menu_favorite          | table | tryton

I am stupid.
As I was telling you the points you raised on the way were not a problem.
However my directory is called trytond-5.6 and not hg-trytond-5.6.
I stupidly followed installation instructions and didn’t pay attention to that.

Now the server responds well, but entering the passwords does not work.

Thank you all. And sorry for the waste of time.

No, it is the OS user running the process trytond.

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