Association blueprint

Some context:

I’m the accountant/treasurer of an association/hacker-space. Here in Italy, by law, need to create a list of member and collect the annual membership fee (from TUIR(a collection of fiscal laws)) need to be not less that 5 euro and mandatory for all members). Until this day, we did it by hand, and it was a huge pain in the back. We heard from other hacker-space that there is a need for a software specifically for association, so I hope this can be a start point for that.

Why this exist

I wanted to automate the creation of the book of members.
In Italy the book of members need have a list of names (and Fiscal code of the individual) with the request/join/leave date and a sequential code.
(this will be implemented in the future) I wanted to create/link subscription when a member is approved by the board.

Some discussion point:

  • Should creating/link subscription be part of this module, or it should a separate one.
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