Account Statement: end balances rounded by bank

I have a set of credit card statements in OFX format.

The bank has rounded the end balances. E.g. the real balance is 493.88 but the bank rounded it to 493.90

There is no line in the statement adding the extra 0.02

The bank gives me the statements in CSV format and I use a script to convert them to OFX. I could enhance the script to add an extra line in the statement for rounding. Is there a better way to do this in Tryton or should we open a feature request to track this situation?

You should complain to the bank.

Even if the bank changes this for future statements, it doesn’t solve the problem for the statements they already created.

Rounding would be quite wrong for a bank account but it is not unusual for a credit card statement. The credit card statement is more like a bill. People can take their credit card bills and electricity bills and similar bills to the post office and pay them with cash, that is why they are rounded to a multiple of 0.10.

Have you seen the Quickbooks reconciliation window? They have boxes for service charges and interest income. It would be useful to have something like that with an extra box for rounding.

If support for this is added to Tryton then I think it should be disabled by default but the administrator would be able to enable it on specific accounts.

I disagree with that. It is missing most of the important information for an invoice: invoice number, tax identifier, taxes, etc.

So the statement will be about rounded amount and the total should be the exact sum of the rounded transaction. The invoice payment process can deal with such rounding thanks to Account Cash Rounding Module.

I have always found as a bad practice to book in a single move the payment and the expense.
For me it is better for such recurring expense to make a account move template to quickly book the expenses.

To be more precise, the credit card statement is some kind of mutant hybrid of a statement and an invoice.

For example, like an invoice, credit card statements have a due date. Bank statements don’t have a due date.

[edited/added]Credit card statements have a minimum payment amount. This amount must be transferred to the credit card before the due date. There is no comparable concept for a regular bank statement.

There is an invoice date. Sometimes it is the same as the end date.

I looked at credit card statements from four different banks and none of them have invoice numbers. They use the same reference number in the payment instructions on every invoice. Therefore, for the purpose of tracking them as pseudo-invoices, the invoice date and account number could be combined to create a unique pseudo-reference.

In most countries, financial services are outside the scope of VAT so this type of invoice doesn’t have taxes.

Then I do not know what is a “Credit Card Statement”.

The similarity between bank statement and credit card statement: both types of statement contain payment information for other invoices.

I created bug tracker feature requests for two of the issues in this thread

Support for rounding the end balance of a statement by adding an account move

Support for prepaid card and credit card statements

There is no point to fill feature requests when what you request is still not clear and discussed.